PLAYit For PC Windows 64-32 Bit (HIGH FPS) 2023 New Update

PLAYit For PC, Download 64 Bit-32 Bit Windows 10 PC, windows 7 PC, windows 11 PC and 8, 8.1, XP, Laptop free versions (Playit.exe file) will be explained and the download links will be shared in this page. PLAYit for PC Version is so exciting All in One Video Player PC app for technology geeks (We call it PLAYİTERS!) who are looking for the PLAYit player for PC (Playit for laptop-desktop). By the way, so far in 2023, PLAYit App for PC is most downloaded video player in INDIA-PAKISTAN-AFGHANISTAN and other African Countries. Mobile app sector is so developed better than the PC sector. Therefore, sometimes mobile apps are more comprehensive than the desktop/laptop ones. That’s why most of the people look for Playit for pc desktop/laptop versions of the mobile apps. Playit Player for PC has Smart Muxer technology and this specialty enable Playit App for PC unique in terms of playing Playit Videos.

In this page, you will find the Complete Guide about downloading Playit for PC 64 bit & 32 bit versions. There is two method for download PLAYit for PC. First is to download directly playit.exe file. Second is install and run Playit via emulator on PC. Let’s look at the questions, and howtos, then learn downloading Playit app for pc.

If you read the guide and want to jump to download page directly, click button below.

PLAYit for PC brings many questions to mind. You can also get many questions in your mind. These questions and feedbacks will be forwarded to Officials of Playit App for PC.

If you wonder PLAYit FAQ, go there>>

Playit App For PC Update: 01/04/2023>> We call it HIGH FPS for Playit App for PC version. The reason behind this concept, Playit APP for PC version is optimized only for PC, so PC version works with more FPS than emulator-mobile version.

Playit App For PC Update: 12/12/2022>> Yuvadvance Internet Prv. Ltd. is the first name of the owners’ company. They modified that name as PLAYIT TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. Towards 2023, Playit for PC become more smooth and unproblematic. Playit Officials develop more comprehensive version of Playit For PC.

Playit App For PC Update: 11/08/2022>> Do you want any specifications for Playit Video Player for PC when you compare it with MX Player, VLC Player, GOM Player, BSPlayer, KMPlayer etc. Please comment us, and we forward them to the Officials of PLAYit APP for PC.

Playit App For PC Update: 10/31/2022>> Some Playiters have some problems. This is especially about the mobile version or emulator pc version. Here is the one of Playiter’s Problem:

Ishwarchandra S October 11, 2022 Very disappointed with the screen orientation. Every time I lock a video in Portrait, the next time I play the video again it is automatically again in Landscape. Gave review about this but Developers doesn’t take it seriously. Update: You clearly don’t understand what I’m saying. There is an option but Lock Screen Orientation doesn’t work properly. If we want to set the orientation as “Portrait”,it will work for the first video that we play and from next video onwards it is in landscape mode . -2,782 people found this review helpful

PLAYIT TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. October 11, 2022 We are sorry for the issue you are facing. You can set this in the settings in PLAYit. Please reach out to us at if you have any other issues.

Google Play Official Comment & Answer

So, as you can see, officials left a number for calling or messaging via whatsapp. Therefore, if you get a problem with the app you can reach them by this number via whatsapp.

Playit App For PC Update: 10/25/2022>> There will be a comparison among the video players including Playit App for PC. Stay tuned…

Playit for PC has some cons but has also some powers. We will talk about it in the near future. Also, the video about downloading playit app to your pc will be published until December, 2022.

If you want to download android version, take a look at >>”Playit APK“<< Page.

By the way, If you have an Android TV, take have a look at Playit App for Android TV

Some of Our Playiters searched the terms below on search engines: Don’t worry! We’ll talk about all.

Playit For PC Related Search Terms

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Playit For PC Related Search Terms

What is Playit For PC?

Playit for PC (known as “Playit for Windows 7”, “Playit for Windows 10”, “Playit for Windows 11”, and “Playit for PC 64 Bit”) is the version of Playit App for PC. Playit for PC enable people to watch movies and listen music directly from their PCs.

PLAYit for PC is available?

If you ask : Is Playit available for PC? To be honest with you, Playit app is available for PC (Playit.exe file) but, it has cons. I will explain the circumstance below. Below, you will find the Playit for PC version and you can download playit app for pc free windows xp, windows 7, windows 8.1, 10, windows 11, windows 32 bit and windows 64 bit versions.

Playit for PC Download 64 bit-32 bit

App Name PLAYit For PC
Size 31,4 MB Exe File
Developer Yuvadvance Internet Prv. Ltd.
Platform PC, Windows 64 Bit-32 Bit
Language English-Indian
Security Checked – Secure
Downloads +250K
Official Android Playit APK
Official PC-Windows PC-Windows-Download-Link

As mentioned above, There are 2 Methods for downloading Playit Player for PC. 1st is direct downloading of the exe file, 2nd is the running playit via emulator method.

>>Note to the Visitors-Playiters: Please comment us, this version is working or not for your Windows 64 bit, 32 bit or windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7, windows xp versions. We will try to help you to reach better in terms of the app stability. Thanks in advance.

PLAYit for PC Download Critical Note (08.01.2022 Update)>>: Official Playit.exe file is only 32 bit version and Playit Officials have not developed “Playit for PC download 64” bit yet. Thus, when you install playit.exe to your PC, you can be sure, it is 32 bit. Also, we have not heard any problem on any windows versions including latest windows version Windows 11. So, if you have any problem for any windows version, let us know and maybe we can solve it as Playiters!

PLAYit Player for PC Download Critical Note (11.11.2021 Update)>>:  As you know, Microsoft launched Windows 11 on October, 2021. That’s why, you may have problems while running playit on Windows 11. So, if you have problems, you should choose the emulator method for running Playit on PC on Windows 11 until Playit exe file gets an update for being compatible with Windows 11.

PLAYit Player for PC Download Critical Note(09.21.2021 Update)>>: There is only one Official PLAYit exe file downloadable and it works for the all windows 7, windows 10 and windows 32-64 bit versions, but the official windows exe file version of playit for pc has some cons. If you want to download PLAYit player for pc with its all specialties, you must install the android emulator to your pc and download the original Android App via emulator to your PC.

Before processing steps, let’s look at the questions about the Playit For PC?

Playit For PC F.A.Q.

Playit For PC Question 1:  Is PLAYit available for PC?
Yes, PLAYit is available for PC. It has official exe file.

Playit For PC Question 2:  How do I download PLAYit?
It depends on the platform you want to download. According to your platform our website explains how you download it. If your platform is PC, you can follow this page’s directions. If your platform is android, you should download PLAYit APK to your android device. If your platform is iOS, you should download PLAYit for IOS to your iOS device.

Playit For PC Question 3:  How do I install PLAYit on my PC?
There is two methods for installing PLAYit on your PC. First method is to download Playit Exe file directly to your PC. Second Method is to run Playit App on PC via Emulator. We explained both methods below.

Playit for PC Question 4: Is PLAYit a Chinese app?

Nope, its origin is from India.

Playit For PC Question 5:  How can I play a movie on my computer without PLAYit?
Because of smart muxer technology PLAYit uses, some movies can only played via PLAYit users but if you have some problems wih PLAYit Player you can convert this videos to other formats which can be played via other players.

Playit For PC Question 6:  Which is best video player for Windows 10?

Playit All-in one Video player is the best video player for Windows 10 but according to your preference it can be other video players.

Playit For PC Question 6:  How do I install PLAYit app?

It depends on the platform you want to install. According to your platform our website explains how you install it. If your platform is PC, you can follow this page’s directions. If your platform is android, you should install PLAYit APK to your android device. If your platform is iOS, you should install PLAYit for IOS to your iOS device.

Playit For PC Question 7:  How do I fix PLAYit problems?

You can fix PLAYit problems via reaching PLAYit Officials with the whatsapp number of .

Playit For PC Question 7:  How do I watch a PLAYit video on another player?

You can watch a PLAYit Video which uses muxer technology by converting to the standart videos. Thus, you can watch these videos anywhere.

Playit For PC Question 8:  Is Playit For PC Official PC Version of Playit Player Android APP?
Yes, Playit For PC Windows Exe File is published from the Official Developer Yuvadvance Internet Prv. Ltd. It is not developed by Fans or Playiters. It is Official.

Playit  For PC Question 9: How to Download Playit Player for Windows 64 bit?
There is only one exe file as mentioned above and it works all Windows versions except Windows 11 which may have some problems. All Download steps is explained below.

Playit For Laptop Question 10: How to Download Playit Player for Laptop?
This is all same with standart desktop ones. Same Playit Exe file for both laptop and desktop computers.

Playit for PC Question 11: Which player can play PLAYit video?

Only Playit Player can Play Playit video because of smart muxer technology.

Playit for PC Question 12: How do I play PLAYit on PC without emulator?

You can play Playit on PC without emulator. There is official Playit exe file, so you play PLAYit on PC without emulator. You can download Playit exe file below.

Playit for PC Question 12: Which app is similar to PLAYit?

There are tons of apps which is similar to PLAYit. MX Player, VLC Player, GOM Player, BSPlayer, KMPlayer etc.

What is the Difference between Playit for PC 64 Bit and 32 Bit?

Probably, you come across many circumstances about 64 bit and 32 bit windows systems and you wonder what is the difference between them. I want to explain the difference briefly in this part, then I will go to the detail of the download Playit for PC 64 bit & 32 bit.

Then, what is the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit Playit for PC? The answer is, it is the difference in the number of the memory address of teh software versions.

To deep into details, windows 32-bit system has a 32-bit register and can access 232 different memory adresses while the 64-bit system has a 64-bit register and can, thus, extend 264 values(18,446,744,073,709,551,616 values) . So, the 64-bit system is much larger in terms of accessing memory address than a 32-bit system. In addition to that, a 64-bit system is more powerful and can process more data at once accordingly to a 32-bit system.

Nevertheless, doubts like ‘May a 32-bit software runs on a 64-bit Windows PC?’ and ‘What happens when a 32-bit software runs on a 64-bit Windows PC?’ are popular and gain attraction. Sometimes, you might be in a situation having to run a 32-bit software on a 64-bit windows operating system. Then the questions comes here>> it will work or not?

I’m gonna clarify your doubts so that you can understand which software can work on a 64-bit operating system. Let’s analyze what will happen when you try to install a 32-bit software on a 64-bit windows PC.

Could you download 32-bit Playit on a 64-bit PC?

To sum up, if you run a 32-bit software like Playit Player in this circumstance on a 64-bit operating system, it will run without any problem, and you will run Playit smoothly. Backend congeniality is an important issue when the subject is software infrastructure.

Thus, 64 bit operating systems can deal with and run 32-bit software. So now, the former 32 bit softwares can still run properly.

What should you do when you try to run a 64 bit or 32-bit software on a 64-bit operating system?

When you install a 64-bit software on a 64-bit operating system, the result is not complicated. The software is installed in the ‘Program Files’ directory of your pc. Onthe other hand, when you install a 32-bit software, you observe that the application is saved in different folder whose name is ‘Program Files (x86)’.

The reason behind this situation is that the operating system prefer to set off the 64 bit and 32-bit libraries in different places.

If you have a 32-bit operating system, then there is only one thing you may do. You should install only 32-bit software. On the other hand, if you have a 64-bit operating system, you can prefer two choices. Either you have a 64-bit operating system, or you have a 32-bit operating system on your PC. Accordingly, having a 64-bit operating system means that you can run both 32-bit and 64-bit softwares on your PC.

Additionally, if you install a 32-bit program on a 64-bit operating system, it run healthily because the software will assumpt the computer like it is a 32-bit operating system. This circumstance usually happens because the processor enters into a special mode and ignores all the 64-bit extras and files.

If the 32-bit software accesses the registry, the instruction registry can handle only up to 32 bits. The remaining max 32 bits of each 64-bit registry will decrease to zero.

By the way, the only circumstance is that while running a 32-bit software on the 64-bit operating system is that the processor will not run with its full capacity. Also, the 32-bit program will not be able to cumulate the whole RAM, and some resources of the PC will waste.

The conclusion of the issue of 64 bit – 32 bit Software

When a 64-bit operating system runs a 32-bit program, the whole process will go steadily and unproblematically. The 32-bit software assumpt the PC as a 32-bit operating system. The software use the registry and resources as much as it needs and run without any problem. The same thing happens for Playit for PC download 64 bit-32 bit

How do I install PLAYit app on my PC?

Ok PLAYiters! Do you want to download the PLAYit app for PC Windows version (Exe file)? If the answer yes, you can apply the steps mentioned below. After explaining the steps of the downloading PLAYit player windows pc exe file, I will mention about the emulator method of downloading playit player for pc as a second method.

Playit For PC Download Windows Step 1

You should download PLAYit.exe for Windows 7-10-11 X 32-64 bit on your computer.

Playit For PC Download
Playit For PC Download

Playit For PC Download Windows Step 2

After downloaded to your PC folder, tap double click on playit.exe in your folder.

Playit for pc download step 1

Playit Player For PC Download Windows Step 3

If Windows operation system shows a message like this, click on “More info”.

Playit for pc download step 2

Playit For PC Download Windows Step 4

Click “Run anyway” (Windows may not know playit.exe is safe or not; however it is absolutely safe and clean file). Therefore you can click on “Run anyway” safely and easily.

Playit for pc download step 2

Playit Player For PC Download Windows Step 5

If you see a popup message like this below, click on “Yes” (Don’t worry, PLAYit is really really safe!).

Playit for pc download step 4

Playit For PC Download Windows Step 6

After clicking yes, you have opened the setup. Click on “Next” to continue!

Playit for pc download step 5

Playit App For PC Download Windows Step Step 7

The next step, you will choose the components, click ‘Next’ again.

Playit for pc download step 5

Playit For PC Download Windows Step 8

You can choose the install location whatever you want and then click on “Install”. It takes 30 seconds to install, just wait patiently. If you have SSD on “C” folder and if you have HDD on “D” folder, it is good to install on “C” folder for better performance in terms of power supremacy & speed superiority of SSD over HDD.

Playit for pc download step 7

Playit App For PC Download Windows Step 9

It’s Done! You can now play videos on your computer via opening PLAYit! As we said above you don’t worry about Playit for pc 64 bit or playit for pc 32 bit. It is all same for now.

Playit for pc download step 7

Playit For PC Download Windows Step 10

You can open the PLAYit Player and open any of the video from your folders and collections by clicking the folder icon highlighted with red border on the picture below.

Hope, you like it!

Playit for pc download step 9

Playit for pc download app for Windows first method page is ending here.

Playit for PC via Emulator (Second Method)

The second method of downloading Playit for PC is Emulator method. If you want to download the exactly same version of PLAYit player on your android phone&tablet to your pc, then the suitable method is the emulator method.

I will give the emulator examples of two of them. The popular android emulators are Bluestacks and Nox Player. You can install one of them via searching on google and find the official download links. I will give an example from Bluestacks Emulator.

After downloading and running Blustacks emulator, you search for playit and find the Playit Player App and download inside Bluestacks as you can see below. If you have problems with it, you can download app directly via our >>”Playit APK“<< Page. After download the file, you upload to Bluestacks and run the app.

Playit Player For PC Emulator Bluestacks
playit for pc bluestacks

After downloading and running Playit Player, you can see the same Playit Player contents as you see on android/mobile. By the way, because this version is mobile version, this has nothing to do with 64 bit or 32 bit. This is not playit.exe file, this is mobile app file and run via emulator on PC.

Playit Player For PC Bluestacks Emulator
Playit For PC Bluestacks Emulator

If you have any questing about “Playit For PC” Download 64 Bit-32 Bit don’t hesitate to ask us!

11 thoughts on “PLAYit For PC Windows 64-32 Bit (HIGH FPS) 2023 New Update”

    • Playit for pc works but doesn’t have all specialties of the android app as mentioned above. To use all specialties, you should install android emulator but fps and quality is better on the PC version. Also, of course playit for pc will be updated soon. When it gets an update, it will be right here.


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